Friday, July 22, 2005

Dean Displays Dumbassity

"Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, told a group of college Democrats that their party has to change its approach in the debate over abortion."

Well, well, well! Welcome back from the dead, Howie! And such a fitting topic to bring up since we haven't heard from you in the past month or so. It's either one or the're either for more abortions happening in this country or you aren't; it's as simple as that. You aren't going to suddenly think of a new name to call yourselves that will play in Peroia. Peoria already know's who you are, you sawn-off dipshit.


noneed4thneed said...

It is idiotic to think that anyone is for abortions. Dean's main point is that no one is for abortions. The Democratic Party is for control of your body. The debate is about Personal Freedom. Just because you wouldn't have an abortion or want your daughter, sister, etc to have one, but that doesn't mean other people should be forced to follow your beliefs.

Red Lenses said...

Hey, you either want more or you want less...I don't see Dean or anyone else expaining how they'd reduce them, so you gotta figure... :)

noneed4thneed said...

Did you know that the abortion went up since Bush took office? I guess that abstinence only and Faith stuff isn't working that well.

Red Lenses said...

It works everyime it's tried. It's just that if you're dumb enough to vote Democratic, you probably won't try it...