Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Is The Confederacy Back In Vogue?

I'm going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to axe a question without knowing the answer to it. Something has been puzzling me for a couple of weeks and I need your help to finger it out.

If the Confederate flag is something to be ashamed of and generally Americans believe it is a racist symbol...then why was "The Dukes of Hazzard" movie #1 in its first week of release and one of the top grossing flicks this weekend?

1 comment:

Father of 3 said...

The PC MSM and a few black folks are too myopic to look at this issue correctly. The same folks who wear or think it's cool to wear Che shirts find it offensive when they see the confederate flag. Most of America realizes it means more than just slavery. It was more about secession.

More questions to ponder: If gay marriage is so acceptable, why did it lose in all 11 referendums in 2004?

If this country is so liberal thinking, then why is Fox kicking Cnn's butt in the ratings?

If the Iraq war was al about oil, why is oil so high? Answer: Because it was about much more than oil...and the Arabs know it and only have the price of oil to try to convince us not invade their 11th Century countries.

When is Bill Clinton and his admin going to be held responsible for the recently discovered (and previously hidden/undisclosed) knowledge of the 9/11 highjackers? The MSM is looking worse and worse every day.

Rant over. Going on vacation for a week or so... keep up the good work here. Talk to you when I'm back.