Thursday, August 04, 2005

More Bullshit On CNN

Well, well, well! It seems the liberal wing of America has suddenly grown hymens on their eardrums! All of a sudden, they're offended that Bob Novak uttered a dirty word on live TV!

I seem to remember leftists thought the same word was cute when it was used by a member of the CNN crew to describe the investigation of Karl Rove. What happened? Oh yeah, I forgot. The liberals of America are hypocrites.


Thomas Nephew said...

I don't see the "Media Matters" post as taking offense at Novak's word choice. They simply asked whether the pressure is getting to him, and observed that the host was going to ask him about the Plame leak. Mickey Kaus suggested Novak may have been disturbed by the large book on the desk at the time, which looks like "Who's Who" (which Novak claimed he used for his notorious column).

Red Lenses said...

I see your point, but there any evidence that the other person was dealt with for their whispered outburst?

Besides, Novak has said he's sorry. Doesn't that count for anythng? :)

Father of 3 said...


You're awesome and so is your site. Nice hange from all the Bush bashers. and, btw, how about this worst economy since the depression, huh? Liberals.

Thomas Nephew said...

I'd missed that incident -- thanks! I think that was funny, and I think Novak's little tantrum was funny, too.